Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Jemput-jemput Roti

I usually make french toast or sandwich toasts with the leftover white bread. Occasionally, I will make this for tea especially during the weekends. This idea was actually from my mother-in-law. My ex-colleague suggested to add cornflour to make give it softer and it actually works well. This is a very versatile dish and you can add whatever you want like sausages, green peppers or even prawns.

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7 pcs white bread, tear into small pieces
4 tbsp corn flour
2/3 cup water
2 small eggs
salt and white pepper
handful of chopped chives/green shallots
oil for frying


1. Put white bread pieces into a bowl, add water and put aside for a few minutes to allow the bread to soak the water
2. With a fork, mash the bread pieces making sure that all the bread is wet
3. Add eggs and stir the mixture followed with the cornflour, salt and pepper and mix till well blend
4. If mixture is too dry, add water 1 tsp at a time. If it is too wet, add cornflour 1 tsp at a time
5. Add chopped chives/shallots and stir to blend
6. Drop spoonful into hot oil and fry till golden brown
7. Serve hot with any dip of your choice


  1. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Ooooohh, will try !!! The photo looks soooooo good !!!!!!

  2. Aida: :) Give it a try. It is also nice if you add chopped prawns ;)

  3. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Hi sis zu, i try out tis jemput2 roti recipe. Well, i add in some chopped prawns & chilli. It's sooooo sedap & easy to prepare.
    Yay* thumb up*
    Thank you for sharing the recipe =)

  4. oodylaa, tat sounds very yummy !!! You are welcome :-)
