Thursday, May 12, 2005

Thyme Chicken Spaghetti

This dish uses the left over thyme chicken and it requires no cooking except for the spaghetti. A versatile dish that you can use whatever leftover chicken that you have and you can add any kinds of greens that you like. For me I prefer something simple, no specific vege just basil - lots of them :)



100g spaghetti/angel hair
1 pc thyme chicken (or cooked chicken), shredded
1-2 cloves garlic, chopped
salt & pepper to taste
4-6 tbsp olive oil/extra-virgin oil
chilli peppers/flakes
handful of basil


1. Boil spaghetti with a tsp of salt till al-dente
2. In a mixing bowl, mix oil, chopped garlic, salt, pepper, chilli peppers/flakes well
3. Once spaghetti is cooked, drain and put it into the bowl with the seasoned oil
4. Add shredded chicken and basil and toss the spaghetti till well coated
5. Add more oil or seasonings if needed
6. Serve immediately


  1. Anonymous1:44 PM

    oooooo nice! Would be perfect for Ms Muffet! Uses leftovers? Lagi perfect!

  2. *licks screen*

    im drooling....

    i dunno if it'll taste as good if i used macaroni instead cos dad and dh dun like spaghetti.

    wat say u sizta?

  3. Aliyah, you can use macaroni also not a problem. :)
