Monday, June 06, 2005

Hard Boiled Egg & Taukwa in Salted Soya Bean

This is generally a protein packed dish. My mom loves to make this with leftover fried fish - my dad's favourite. But for me, I prefer to have it with hard boiled eggs and taukwa (firm beancurd). This dish is very easy to prepare, just need to chop the ingredients but you have to fry the beancurd before adding it to the dish. That to me is the only troublesome part.


4 hard boiled eggs
2 taukwa (firm beancurd), cut into 4 and fry till slightly golden brown
1 large onion, sliced
1 medium garlic, sliced
2cm ginger, crushed and chopped
1-2 fresh green chillies, sliced
1 stalk large lemongrass, sliced thinly
3 small/2 large assam keping
3-4 tbsp salted soya bean
2 tbsp oil
1/2 to 1 cup water

1. Heat oil in a pan. Once hot, add sliced onions, garlic, ginger, chillies and lemongrass and stir fry till fragrant
2. Add 1/2 cup of water and let it simmer for about 2 minutes
3. Add assam keping, stir mixture and continue simmer for about 5 minutes
4. Add salted soya bean and simmer till the gravy starts to bubble
5. Add hard boiled eggs and fried taukwa and simmer till the water reduced. You can add more salted soya bean if you like it salty or more water if you like more gravy
7. Serve with hot steamed rice


  1. Anonymous3:27 PM

    Oh man...this dish is making me hungry. Do you mind sharing where to get assam keping, lemongrass & salted soya bean? :) thanks so much!

  2. Hi anonymous, you can get all the items from the market or supermarket. BTW where are you located?
