Sunday, July 03, 2005

American Chocolate Cake

This is a slightly overdue entry. I made this for dear hubby for Father's Day. A really simple but delicious chocolate cake. The recipe is taken from Alan Ooi's Easy Bake book (Thank you to one of my online friend for sharing this recipe). I made slight modification by increasing the whipping cream as the original is way too sweet and thick for me. Also it was not enough to cover the whole cake.


A slice of the cake

125gm butter
175gm brown sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla essence
2 eggs
35gm cocoa powder
130ml warm water
140gm self-raising flour
Buttercream/whipped cream and fresh strawberries for decoration

1. Mix in cocoa powder and water
2. Beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy
3. Add in eggs, one at a time
4. Add in vanilla essence, beating well after each addition until well combine
5. Then add in a bit of cocoa mixture and flour slowly until finish
6. Spoon batter into a 18cm cake tin
7. Bake in preheated oven at 180degree for 10-15 minutes or till skewer comes out clean

Chocolate Ganache
90ml dairy whipping cream (original is 60ml)
110gm dark chocolate

1. Heat dairy whipping cream until it comes to just under the boil, off the fire
2. Add in dark chocolate and mix well

1. Cut cake into 3 layers
2. Spread ganache over first layer and cover with another layer
3. Repeat twice, cover the top and sides with ganache
4. Use a metal spatula to smoothen the top and sides
5. Pipe buttercream or whipped cream on the cake and put quartered strawberries on it


  1. Anonymous4:09 AM

    Looking so good, zu! Yum yum :)

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  3. Anonymous9:23 PM

    I tried this cake but it turn out the cake is sticky why is it so?

  4. hi apple, i think you may have under baked the cake. The cake should not be sticky.


  5. Hi,how long can i keep the ganache in the chiller.............

  6. Nagina10:40 PM

    Hello Zurynee,

    I am planning to bake a choc cake for my friends bday. My concern is that if I bring the cake to work, it will only be consumed a few hours later. perhaps during lunch time. do u think the ganache will melt by then?

    Another question is that I saw u baked a choc and banana cake for ur daughter's bday which looks equally good. so i'm confused, since both look equally tempting. which one would u think is better?

    Thanks alot!

  7. Hi Nagina,

    Your office is air-conditioned I presume. If it is, I don't see a problem about the ganache melting. Just make sure take the cake out of the fridge before you leave for work.

    The american cake is very rich compared to the the choc+banana. For adults, I think this one is a better option especially if you use a good quality cocoa and chocolate for the ganache. But you can use the ganache used in the choc+banana cake though :-)

    have fun !

  8. Nagina3:03 PM

    Thanks a lot for your advise.
