Sunday, July 10, 2005

Assorted Sweet Bun

I was in a mood to bake some sweet buns after a long rest of baking. I made these buns last weekend and managed to baked 3 types of buns. I used the sweet bun recipe taken from the book 'Make Your Own Bread' by Novum Organum publication. Because I used a large egg (60gm), I reduced the water to 220ml instead of the original 260ml.

Butter buns, Sausage & Mayo buns

Top right hand : Sausage buns

The filling of the buns is entirely up to you. The following is the recipe for the dough. Unused dough can be kept in the fridge up to 4 days after the first rise. Wrap it with cling wrap or keep it in an airtight container. Thaw the dough to room temperature before use.

I used my breadmachine to knead the dough. The only difference is that I melted the butter.

220ml cold water (use 260ml if you are using small eggs)
1 egg, lightly beaten
50g butter
500g bread flour, sifted
7g instant yeast
100g sugar
5g salt

1. Mix bread flour, yeast, sugar and salt in a bowl
2. Add cold water and egg to mixture and mix well
3. Add butter into dough and knead dough until elastic
4. Place dough in a mixing bowl, cover with cling wrap and let it rise to double its size
5. Cut dough into small portions of about 40-60g and let it rest for another 10-15minutes
6. Shape dough into desired shapes and let it rise to double its size
7. Glaze buns with egg wash and bake till golden brown


  1. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Hello Again Zu!

    I use a table top oven, and it cannot accomodate all the buns at the same time..However, im afraid to let them bake in batches in case they rise too much while waiting to be placed into the oven. What can I do??

  2. Hi Amrita,

    You don't have to use up all the dough at one go. The recipe yields quite a bit of buns actually. what you can do is to freeze some of the dough after step 5 by wrapping individual pcs with a cling wrap. When you want to use it, take them out of the freezer and let them thaw before shaping. Alternatively, if you want to bake the whole batch, after shaping, store them individual in the fridge to minimise fermentation.


  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    ohhh...That way I can always have fresh buns....Thanks a lot Zu!

  4. Anonymous10:18 AM

    Made this yesterday......

    I dont really fancy the taste of the buns...Don't find it fluffy enough...and doesn't taste like those you get in the bakeries...thanks anyway!!:D

  5. Hi amrita,

    This recipe is slightly different from the ones you get outside. But if you have Alex Goh's book, the recipe is close to what you get at the bakery. If you want the recipe, email me at


  6. Anonymous8:36 PM

    sure thing! i will do that right now....THANKS!!!

  7. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Hi Zu,

    I am a novice cook and have been searching for a recipe to make those fluffy sweet buns that you get in some bakeries. your sweet bun recipe is the closest I could find. Could I also request a copy of the recipe that you have given to Amrita? Thanks.

  8. Hi anonymous,

    If you can purchase Alex Goh's book, the recipe is there. But do give me your email address and name.


  9. Anonymous6:13 PM

    how many does htis recipe make?

  10. depending on size, you should get about 10-12 pcs.

  11. dear how do u measure such a lil amt such as 7g & 5g? Dun think dats a teaspoon rite?

  12. cinamina, I would recommend you the other recipe

    This one uses tsp to measure the yeast so it's easier and tastes good. I have a digital scale, so I am able to measure 3g or 5g easily. If you don't hv shortening, just replace the shortening with butter/margarine.


  13. oic no wonder can measure such small scale.

  14. Anonymous6:55 AM

    Hi Zu,
    Is it possible for you to share with me the recipe from Alex Goh's book that you mentioned above?? I am from Malaysia but is studying in Canada right now, missing those yummy buns that we could buy from the bakeries back there.
    If oyu will, my email is
    Hope to heard from ya soon...thanks!

  15. I just came across your website looking for sweet bun recipe and turn out to your very nice page and tempting photo of your bun but I can't find the recipe. I come from Indonesia and I don't know the book you mentioned above. Can you help me please send me the recipe to my mail : I would be very grateful to your effort! Thank's anyway...

  16. Hi Zu,
    Can you share the recipe from Alex Goh's book? i'm trying to get recipes which can produce bakery standard buns :) so far the only recipes that i have tried which can match bakery is from this website but they are still not as fluffy as those bought outside. do send me the recipe when you are free :) thanks a lot!!!
