Monday, July 11, 2005

Fried Noodles

This morning while sending my girls to school, a delicious aroma of someone cooking sambal was lingering in the morning air. The smell soo delicious that I could not resist thinking about fried noodles. It has been a while since I had a plate of hot fried noodles, malay style. I like my noodles to be a little moist with succulent prawns and plentiful of greens. So during my lunch break, I went to Cold Storage to get all the necessary ingredients and earlier today, we had this for dinner 8-D *burp*

A big plate of noodles

Close up with juicy, succulent prawns

This version is not the exact malay style fried noodles because I used Masters Barbeque Sauce to replace the ketchup and soya sauce.


You can purchase this at Cold Storage or NTUC. The sauce is quite tomato-ish but with more flavour than ketchup.

500g hokkien noodles
1 ikan bilis stock cube (Maggi, No-MSG)
1 large onion
3 large fresh red chillies, remove seed if you don't want too spicy
200-300g prawns, deveined
1 piece fish cake, sliced thinly
1 bunch chye sim, washed thoroughly and chopped to 3 inches long
4-6 tbsp bbq sauce (more if you like)
3-4 tbsp olive oil

1. Blend onion and chillies into paste
2. Heat oil in a wok and fry blended paste till fragrant
3. Crush the stock cube and add to the chillie paste, stir till well blend
4. Add fish cake slices and prawns and mix till they are cooked
5. Add bbq sauce and a little bit of water. Make sure there is some gravy so that the noodles will not be too dry
6. Add vegetables followed by noodles and stir them well with other ingredients
7. Serve immediately


  1. Anonymous3:39 AM

    I love Malay style fried noodles...does this taste the same as Mee Goreng sold outside, zu? Looks really yummy!

  2. Linlin, well, almost I should say. To make it close, add a little bit of dark soya sauce and ketchup. I cheated using the stock cube but using ikan bilis and grind it with the onion and fresh chillies will make it tastier.


  3. Anonymous2:26 AM

    Thanx for the great cooking tips, zu :)

  4. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Zu, will try this one day .... looks so tempting

  5. Anonymous1:51 AM

    oh my, so tempting, i might have to run to chinatown to get the noodles and start cooking.

  6. Anonymous2:08 PM

    Made this today with Heinz BBQ sauce, cos thats what I had at hand......instead of prawns I used chicken, cos my mom is allergic to seafood.......Family really liked it cos its not dry and looks very appetizing and "shiny" as my mum put it...hehe...Thanks Zu.

  7. hi amrita, my pleasure, happy that your family liked it. I also like my noodles to look shiny ;)

