Saturday, July 23, 2005

Light & Fluffy Banana Cake

I have tried numerous banana cake recipe and this is so far the best. The end result is just like what the name says - light & fluffy. I used the recipe shared by one KC member Joanne but I modified one of the ingredient. The sweetness is dependent on the bananas you use. For this cake, I used the del-monte like bananas.


Close up

6oz butter/margarine
6 oz castor sugar/brown sugar
2 lage eggs
3 1/2 tbsp yoghurt
3 large banana, mashed
8 oz self raising flour, sifted
If you are using plain flour, use 8 oz plain/cake flour with 1tsp baking powder and 1tsp bicarbonate soda

1, Preheat oven to 180 degrees celcius
2. Cream butter & sugar till light and fluffy
3. Add eggs, one at a time and beat well
4. Add yoghurt and banana mix till well blend
5. Fold in flour to mixture and pour into a greased baking pan
6. Bake at 180C for 45min - 1hr or till skewer comes out clean


  1. Anonymous7:32 PM

    zu, joanne is burples at m4m!

  2. Anonymous4:17 AM

    Was looking for banana cake and yours look delicious. Gonna try but need to know how big is cake pan. I think the size of cake pan is very important in baking, right?

  3. Hi anonymous, I used my bundt pan to bake this cake. But I believe a 18cm baking pan should be ok.

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Hi Zu

    My banana cake is fluffy but bit wet as I used 4 tbsp milk instead
    of yogurt. 4 oz butter will be
    ideal for my family.
    Yr salmon in vinegar is the best

  5. Anonymous12:13 PM

    hi, ur banana cake looks delicious n i tried baking it, but it turns out to b very moist n wet instead of looking like urs in the pic, can u advise me wat went wrong. Btw, i chopped the bananas into small pcs instead of mashing it, is tis d reason y mine is so wet? thanx.

  6. Hi anonymous,

    I would say probably the cake is still not fully cooked yet. You may want to bake it at 160C and bake it at about 5-10mins more. Alternatively, try reducing the yoghurt to 3 tbsp.


  7. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Hi, I was looking for a banana cake receipe and I found yours. Will give it a try this weekend. Thanks for sharing. - Yvonne

  8. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Hi, this is just the recipe im looking for- light and fluffy banana cake as recently i made one that was too dense, hope this time i will impress! Thank you for sharing

  9. Anonymous3:03 AM

    Hi i have tried making this cake and it turned out lovely! my family want me to make some more! thanks for a great recipe

  10. i love soft and fluffy cakes!
    especially bcos it's a banana cake, i'd love to try it out(:
    is it alright for me to link you?

  11. You are welcome anonymous :-)

    Hi sweet-tooth, it's ok to link me. Thanks for dropping by.


  12. Anonymous3:12 AM

    looks yummy, except i don't really like bananas..

    how about modifying it into a walnut cake? maybe one like bengawan solo's?

  13. Anonymous11:33 PM

    I used this banana cake recipe .. doubled up on the quantities and it came out perfect first time just under 1 hour at 180!

  14. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Hi....tried this recipe twice in two days since I had lots of bananas :-) first time...not too bad...second time better...I mixed castor sugar and brown sugar..and cut down the amount of sugar...did not like it too sweet. I was wondering if I could change butter to sunflower oil or corn oil and how much? It takes time for the butter to melt and I am the spontaneous to bake cake when I am bored or in the can hardly wait for the butter to thaw.

    Thanks for the easy and wonderful recipe.;-)

  15. hi yvonnnnne,

    I will look for a walnut cake recipe instead of modifying this one. I do have one but have yet to try it out :-)


  16. That is good to hear anonymous :-)


  17. Hi anonymous,

    Well, if you want to replace the butter with oil, then you may want to beat the sugar and eggs till double in volume before adding all the other ingredients. This is more a sponge cake method :-)


  18. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Hi im making this cake right now but like someone else has said its lovely and cooked but very moist/sticky not like yours either and ive cooked it for over an hour...any ideas?

  19. Hi anonymous,

    You may want to bake a little bit more longer or probably reduce the yogurt by 1/2 T and see if the texture is dry enough for you.


  20. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Thank you very much for sharing this recipe. I follow your method step by step, and my banana cake taste delicious. I did reduce the suger to only 3 oz, it still came out amazing. My 18 months old son is crazy about it. Thanks again. I will try other recipes on your blog.

  21. you are welcome anonymous :-)


  22. Anonymous6:30 AM


    Could you please tell be if it is better to use butter or margarine in your recipe and also if it is best to use caster sugar or brown sugar?

    Thanx heaps


  23. hi anonymus_rulz,

    For me it will always be butter. As for sugar, brown sugar is less sweet than white sugar and it will make your bake abit more moist.


  24. Anonymous6:38 PM

    just taken it out of the oven...smells gorgeous, but it didn't rise too well. Going to decorate it with lemon glace icing, will let you know later how it tasted.

  25. Anonymous5:39 AM

    I made your cake today. Yummy cake with lovely chewy sides but didn't rise (despite looking promising when I took it out of the oven) and quite dense - certainly not like your picture. Ah well. Still tastes great.

  26. I blogged about and included this recipe after I used it as the main body of my son's first birthday cake, and linked it back here, hope that is okay. here is the link:
