Sunday, January 22, 2006

Banana Fritters (Pisang Goreng)

This is best eaten when it is hot. Must thank curryman from M4M for sharing this batter recipe. Best is to use pisang raja .. yums

The texture of this batter is light and crispy, very much like tempura.


100g bread flour
50g rice flour
1 egg yolk
1/2 tsp salt
1 tsp ammonia
1 - 1 1/2 cup water
bananas/sweet potato/tapioca
oil for frying

1. Whisk all the above till batter is custardly consistency and set aside for 30mins
2. Dip bananas/sweet potato/tapioca into batter and deep fry in hot oil till golden brown
3. Serve warm with sambal belachan


  1. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Been so long since I had pisang goreng, perhaps I should make this too *lol*..sure lots of food-to-make list for me, eh? :D

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    ammonia in banana fritter batter ???

    Pls explain?? I thought ammonia was a poison.

    I love ur recipes and hope to try them out.

    Pls email me with regard to ammonia.


  3. Anonymous1:57 PM

    ah ha! I have researched "ammonia" I now realise this is meant to be ammonium bicarbonate. The equivalent here in New Zealand would be Baking Powder. I do hope no-one uses "ammonia" which is a very poisoness liquid which can be used as a cleaneing agent.

    Happy cooking!

  4. hi ZU,

    i was gonna make sweet rice flour sweets called
    pinindot, roll the dough in little balls and then
    boil it in water with tapioca pearls then add
    coconut milk and sugar , bananas ,sweet
    potato but did not have time so i'll try this tommorow
    and bring to work.

    this looks really great,

  5. Sounds very yummy mareza :-)

