Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Bergedil (Potato Patties)

This is a sort of healthier version of the bergedil. I steamed the potatoes instead of frying them. Some people may still prefer the fried version but as usual, i abhor doing too much deep frying .. hehe

I use dried shrimps and black pepper for this patty. Good for those who doesn't like meat in their potato patty. You can add chopped parsley if you like. I didn't have any in the fridge, so omitted it.


4 medium local potatoes, peeled
1 tbsp dried shrimps, washed
1/2 tsp dark peppercorns
1 small egg
handful of breadcrumbs
pinch of salt
1 egg + water for coating
Oil for deep frying

1. Steamed potatoes, mashed them and put aside
2. Fry fried shrimps till crispy, drained and put aside
3. Roast black peppercorns and mix it with the fried dried shrimps
4. Blend the shrimps and black pepper till fine
5. Add the shrimp mixture and salt into the mashed potato and mix till well incorporated
6. Add egg and breadcrumbs slowly and mix. The texture must not be too soft.
7. Heat oil in wok
8. Shaped potatoes into balls and flatten them a little
9. Dip into egg mixture and deep fry till golden brown

Note: If mixture is too soft, keep it in the fridge for about 15 mins before shaping.


  1. Ola

    Umm New cara...


    Btw do you have a nice sambal recipe for Pari Bakar...

    Let me knw please.Email me at

  2. Anonymous12:43 PM

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    If you could give me your email address (either by replying to this comment or emailing me at, we can liaise from there. Thank you very much!

    By the way, looking through your food blog really makes me miss homecooking, mummy style =)

