Sunday, January 22, 2006

Nasi Goreng (Fried Rice)

Missed the nasi goreng that my mom used to make for us when we were young. Fortunately, I have about a pack of leftover rice in the fridge waiting to be used *grin* This time round I went manual, used my pestle and mortar .. heh I simply love biting the small bits of onions, anchovies, chili together with the fried rice.

The freshly pounded ingredients

The final product

1 large onion
2 medium garlic
5 fresh red chilli, de-seeded
1 1/2 tbsp ikan bilis, soaked
1 1/2 cm belacan (prawn paste)
1 tsp salt to taste
3-4 cups cooked rice
1 egg beaten
3 tbsp oil

1. Using pestle and mortar, pounded onion, garlic, chilli, salt, ikan bilis and belacan till fine
2. Heat wok with oil and stir fry pounded ingredients till fragrant
3. Add rice, stir till well combined
4. Push rice aside, pour beatened egg
5. Once egg slight cooked, scramble it and mix it with the rice
6. Continue stirring rice but without breaking it till well cooke
7. Serve hot with fish crackers and sunny side up egg


  1. Anonymous5:06 PM

    hmmm yummy....this is an ol antique recipe just like my mom's exclude the ikan bilis.... but she mix the pounded ingredient with the rice b4 fryin them.

  2. Anonymous8:42 AM

    I love nasi goreng! Yours look so delicious I think I wanna try this out :)

  3. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Hi Zu,
    Oh GOD!!! I love NASI GORENG 4ever!!! I will try all types of nasi goreng!!
    Think I'll 've nasi goreng for lunch today..kekeke!

    -skaur aka sherin

  4. Wowwww... i fav nasi goreng.. gonna try this recipe 1 day... hmmm lau campur cili padi lagi kick eh.. kekeke...

  5. Anonymous7:45 PM

    is it garlic cloves or oni garlic?
    i am going to try it anyway..=)

  6. Anonymous8:43 PM

    sedap sio!! very nice

  7. Hi anonymous, it's 2 medium cloves ;-)

  8. Anonymous10:34 AM

    hi there.. me juz like u, fall in love with cooking only after marriage.. now only a few months and been trying to find a reliable source for practical recipes... and voila i found u...! i'm gonna fry the rice like right now! heee...

  9. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Delicious and super duper easy

    Malissa (sydney)
