Friday, February 24, 2006


I made this a few weeks ago for lunch. I had a couple of potatoes that I need to get rid off fast. Finally came out with this and the kids and hubby like it alot. There wasn't enough for everyone ..hehe


This is generally a versatile dish. You can eat it with grilled fish or top it up with sour cream. Great to eat it hot.

For this recipe, I used egg and flour for binding. But you can omit them if you like.

4 medium potatoes, peeled and shredded (Use the grater with the largest holes)
salt & pepper
1 egg, slightly beaten
1-2 tbsp flour
some olive oil

1. Squeeze the water from the shredded potatoes
2. Sprinkle salt & pepper to your taste onto the potatoes and mix till well incorporated
3. Pour egg mixture and mix it till well blended
4. Sprinkle flour and mix it well
5. Heat pan and pour a little bit of oil
6. Take a handful of potatoes and flatten it on the pan
7. Flip over once the bottom turned brown
8. Once the rosti turns crispy and brown, dish it out on a plate and put your favourite toppings


  1. Hi Zu... tgk dish nie air liuh dah melilir.. kekeke.. a'way can u gif me the recipe of the sausage dish tu... sausage is my fav ahh..

    A'way Zu.. thanks for sharing all the recipes... this is the best recipe website i ever go to...

  2. hi yahfiq,

    The sausage is very easy, I just used onions, ketchup and a bit of worchestershire sauce. Brown the onions, add the sauces then add the sausages simmer till cook. You can additional things to your taste :)

  3. and yahfiq, thanks for your support :)

  4. Thanks Zu for the sausage recipe.. gonna cook this dish on this wkend.. sure very syiokkk!!!...

  5. Anonymous9:33 AM

    thanks for the recipe!
    i cooked this simple dish for my dad this morning for breakfast and he was delighted!! (:
    simple recipe tts definitely a keeper!

  6. Hi Yuanru,

    Glad that you like it ;)


  7. Anonymous9:02 AM


    This is a great blog! Been looking for a rosti recipe for so long. I'm going to try it over the weekend! May I ask if there's a particular type of potato to be used for this dish? The other dishes look really wonderful too!! - Reen

  8. Welcome Reen,

    For rosti, I just use russet potatoes.


  9. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Hi Zu,

    Thanks for answering my question!! It's such a wonderful blog. Can't wait to try them all!

    THanks again!

  10. Anonymous1:31 PM

    Zu, I made Rosti with sausages today for lunch. I got 6 small patties. I can't wait for my son to reach home, so ate a patty. My oh my! It's yummy. Think 6 patties is not enough for the 5 of us. I had no more potatoes to make. Lucky my daughters will be home late, so my hubby & 2 dd have to settle with bread & corned beef later. Thank you so much for sharing the recipe.


  11. Hi sophia, glad you like them. To me it's a great snack for kids .. and parents too .. hehe

  12. love your blog...i'm attempting to cook a simple dinner for my family today and it has been soo useful. i'm quite the idiot at cooking though. would like to ask if the potatoes need to be cooked beforehand?

  13. Hi shan,

    Thank you for your support :-) For this, you don't need to cook the potatoes.

