Monday, June 19, 2006

Chicken Tomato Curry

I was feeling a little better after my first trimester and was sort of craving for roti kirai/roti renjis/roti jala (all are the same). So made it and have it with this simple chicken tomato curry. It is a simple recipe, mostly by estimation. You can add other ingredients like curry leaves or replace milk with yoghurt or omit it if you don't like. Throw in one or two slit green chilli would be nice too.


Had it with this

5 chicken pcs
3 medium potatoes, cut into quarters
half tin of peeled tomatoes with the juice
1 cinnamon stick
3-5 cloves
3-5 cardamon pods
2 star aniseed
1/2 tsp fennel seeds
1/2 tsp cummin seeds
1 large onion, sliced
2 tbsp garlic paste
2 tbsp ginger paste
4 heapful tbsp meat curry powder, add a bit of water to become a paste
milk (optional)

1. Fry the cinnamon stick, cloves, cardamon pods, star aniseed, fennel and cumin till fragrant.
2. Add sliced onions and fry till translucent then add the chicken pcs followed by ginger and garlic paste. Stir till fragrant and add tomatoes and followed by curry powder.
3. Continue stirring till the chicken is 3/4 cooked. Add water 1 cup at a time - how much depends how thick or thin you like the gravy. Lastly add the potatoes till cooked. You can add milk if you want to have a slightly thicker consistency.
4. Add salt to taste.


  1. That looks very fine!

    Great to see that you are back! I hope that you are feeling better health-wise...

  2. congratulations! and do hope you stay well, healthy and happy!

    anyway, can you share the recipe for your roti kirai? :) your food really tempts me!! feeling hungry already
