Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Cranberry mini-cupcakes

Another melt & mix bake which I did today. This is an extremely easy recipe with very little ingredients. I would recommend using butter instead of oil as it gives a rich flavour to it. This recipe is good by itself but you can add citrus zest or essence for variety. This time round, I added cranberries, it gives a nice balance of sweet and sour. I wanted to add lemon oil but forgotten all about it, maybe another time.


100g unsalted butter
80g sugar (you can use 70g if you are adding choc chips)
2 eggs
100g self-raising flour, sifted
pinch of salt (you can omit if you are using salted butter)
50g cranberries

1. Melt butter then add sugar and stir till sugar dissolves
2. Add eggs and beat till well blended
3. Gently fold in sifted flour into butter/sugar/egg mixture till well combined
4. Add cranberries and gently mix into the batter, do not overmix
5. Pour batter into small cupcake liners and bake in a preheated oven at 180C for 15-20mins or till the top turns slight golden brown
6. Remove mini cupcakes from the oven and take them out of the tray immediately and leave it to cool


  1. simple yet pretty(:
    i love cranberries so i'll probably try these out soon

  2. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Zu, mmg sedap kek ni. Tried it out yesterday. I added in vanilla essence & the cranberries I soaked in milk before adding to the mixture. Thanks for sharing the recipe.

  3. Thank you sweet tooth, do give this a try :-)

    You are welcome sophia, I am happy that it turned out well for you.


  4. This looks good. I will give it a try one day :-)
    Thanks for sharing it here.

  5. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Hi Zu,
    I love to bake this mini-cupcakes, but where can I fine cranberries in Ipoh or is there other substitute. Please advise. Thanks.

  6. You are welcome chawanmushi :-)

  7. Hi Delphine,

    You can replace the cranberries with sultanas or raisins. You can even use prunes or date but you will need to chop them to small pieces.


  8. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Hi Zu,
    Thank you.

  9. Anonymous3:08 PM

    hi zu,

    really interested in this recipe will try them out most probably this sat..but check to with you can i sub in plain flour? if yes how much soda do i have to add?
    hope to hear from you soon


  10. Hi agnes,

    If you dont want to use self-raising flour, you will need to add 1/2 tsp baking powder.


  11. Anonymous3:43 PM

    ok ...thank you ..
    btw baking powder = biocarbonate of soda?)

  12. welcome ... baking powder is NOT bicarbonate of soda. You have to look for baking powder.

  13. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Hi Zu,
    Morning, I bake this mini-cupcakes last night & it turns out soft & nice & not dry even until this morning. It is that I can replace butter with oil or margarine as my grandmum do not like butter. I made 8 pieces for this recipe. Can I double the recipe doing mixing in one go & will the batter be able to stand & wait for baking as my oven is only a table-top one. Thanks.
