Thursday, March 06, 2008

Baked Corned Beef & Cheese Springrolls

This was featured in Berita Minggu (our local malay paper) a few weeks ago. An easy snack, good if you have a can of corned beef and you do not what else to do with it *LOL*

I baked the springrolls instead of deep frying them - trying to be a little bit healthy.

1 can corned beef, mashed (I like using Hormel brand)
250g cheddar cheese, cut into strips
a few fresh green chili, sliced and remove seed
enough springroll skin
enough oil for brushing or melted butter
cornflour mixture, for sticking springroll skin

1. Take 1 piece of springroll skin and put a tsp of corned beef on it
2. Put cheese slices and chili slices on top of the corned beef and roll springroll
3. Repeat 1-2 till you have used up your springroll skin and corned beef
4. Arranged springrolls on a lightly greased baking tray
5. Brush springroll with oil and bake in a preheated oven (about 180C) till skin turns golden brown about 15mins
6. Turn over springroll after 5-10mins
7. Serve hot with dipping sauce


  1. hi, being a silent reader for quite a long time now..n have my own blog sorry, link urs without permission. nway, tried some of ur recipes n it turned out well..thanx a lot! have a nice day, everyday! hmmm...dat mango mousse cake looks yummy!

  2. zu . . . looks like butter or margarine makes a better medium for this baking technique . ..

  3. Hi Jun, no problem at all. I will link you up to ;-)

    Foodcrazee, thank you for your pointer.


  4. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Salam.. love your blog. How do you have time to write all the wonderful post while still working full time ? Keep up the good work !

  5. hi zu..i've nvr attempted baking springrolls..will gv this a try..

  6. Anonymous4:10 PM

    hi u think using a toaster oven can also bake the corn beef spring roll?

  7. anonymous - u can but worry the inner part would not be hot enough. Maybe u can try to heat up all the ingredient cept cheese.

  8. i just have to say that that is the BEST combo i've seen in a while!!!

    i'm so hungry! good job!!

  9. Anonymous5:05 PM

    What an great idea to bake springrolls instead of deep frying. I don't have to struggle of getting shrimps, minced pork and vegie for springrolls next time, will sure try this easy and yummy recipe
