Thursday, August 14, 2008

Choc Chip Macadamia Cookie

I made this cookies for the Masak-masak challenge #4 since it has been in my to-do list recently. The original recipe is by Gina from KC, you can get it here but as usual, I change it slightly to suit my taste ;-)

115g salted butter
180g Self Raising flour
1 1/2 Tbsp cocoa powder
80g castor sugar
50g light brown sugar
1 egg, lightlybeaten
pinch of salt
1 tsp vanilla essence (optional)
1 1/2C semisweet chocolate chips
1/2C macamdamia, toasted and chopped

1. Cream butter and sugar till creamy
2. Add egg and mix till well blended
3. Add in flour, cocoa powder, chocolate chips and chopped nuts and mix it gently
4. Chill the dough for about 15-30mins to set it
5. Scoop with a spoon or cookie scoop and line them in a lined tray
6. Bake in a preheated oven 170C for about 15-20 mins
7. Cool on a wire rack before storage



  1. Anonymous1:04 PM

    Hi there,

    Thanks for the recipe, I tried it yesterday...everything was fine but the bottom of the cookies were all burnt. I'm really new at this, do you have a good tip?


  2. Hi Haley,

    I think you might have overbaked it thus burning the bottom. I usually take it out of the oven when then bottom turns slight darker. The cookie will still be a little soft but will harden once it's cooled.


  3. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Hi Zu,

    I stumble upon your blog, while browsing for a 'perfect' recipe for Chocolate chip cookies for this Hari Raya.

    Tot of trying out but couldn't get any macadamia nuts .. i've got hazel nut instead..

    Pls advise, shd i toast the hazel nut too? have you tried using hazel nut? TIA
    (my email :

  4. hi momma,

    Yes you can replace it with hazelnut and it would be nicer if you toast it a little bit. Generally what kind of nuts you want to put is up to you. You can even replace with pecans or walnuts.


  5. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Hey there,

    Tried your recipe again over the weekend. It was perfect - no burnt bottoms! =D

    This time I was better prepared and I reduce the temp to 160C for 15mins. My family and friends love it so much, it was all gone the next day! hahaha...Thanks so much!
    Keep up the good work, love your blog! =)

  6. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Hi Zu,

    I have tried the choc chip cookie for Raya 08...Many of my guests loved it....Thanks for sharing the recipe...hope many more nice cookies recipe from you

  7. Hi Kak Zu,

    I was just wondering are these biscuits chewy or crunchy?

    Thanks. I love your blog :)

  8. Hi Sumaiyyah,

    This is crunchy. Chewy is the other recipe. Thanks for visiting :)

