Monday, August 04, 2008

Masak-masak challenge #1

We had a masak-masak (cook) challenge at one parental forum that I frequent and the first challenge was to cook or bake something that has the following ingredients:

  • Cheese
  • Chocolate
  • Fruit

So I came out with this

Sorry about the picture, I could not get a nice decent photo of it *LOL*


  1. Anonymous6:12 PM

    zu u finally updated after so long! haha. wow, chocolate banana and cheesecake. sounds yummy!

  2. hahaha .. yeah, it's been a while. This challenge was done like more than a month 8-D

  3. Hi this is VG. I have visited your blog before but never posted a comment. Anyway, the cheesecake looks yummy to me. Any chance of you posting the recipe???

  4. Hi VG, I will update the recipe in a new entry.

