Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Chilled Oreo Cheesecake (updated)

I wasn't planning to make anything for the girls' teachers but after feeling guilty, I decided to whip up a simple chilled (no-bake) cheesecake for the girls' teachers at their day care centre. Since it was a very last minute decision (I made it the night before), I settled for a simple decor with what else? Oreos !!

I am very happy that all the teachers enjoyed it :-) It's just a small gesture to say thank you to them for taking good care of my children while I am at work ;-)

Some were asking for recipe. This is adapted from my fellow blogger friend, Florence. You can get the recipe here My version, I used what I have and omitted the rum. The base, I used about 12 pcs of oreos and enough butter to bind them. As for the cream, I use a 200ml packet of dairy cream and follow the instructions accordingly. Then add the oreo pieces into the mixture before chilling it.


  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    i love oreo cheesecakes! i don't why anyone will not like it. haha

  2. hello ! do u have the recipes for oreo cheesecake ? i'm looking high & low for it ><

  3. yummy this looks really nice.

  4. Hi... i really like all the recipes that you had posted.
    want to ask what else can we use to replace gelatine powder for the cheesecake? Thks so much :)

  5. Hi xonice,

    Thank you very much. You can replace the gelatine powder with agar-agar powder instead. But just reduce it a little bit.


  6. Anonymous5:10 PM

    For a cake lover but still to coward to try baking yet, non baked cakes sound perfect to me. Have to put this under my 'must try' list
