Tuesday, June 23, 2009

First fondant cakes ...

I finally took up a challenge to do a large fondant cake (large as in anything bigger than 6inch in size :-P) for my baby brother's engagement. Time is always an issue for me, after coming back from the holidays, I had very little time to prepare - either I was bogged down with work or simply too tired. Initially, I was very sure that I will have enough time to prepare marshmallow fondant, but deep inside I know I need some contingency plan and true enough the store bought fondant saved me. Another issue was with the flowers that I ordered for one of the cake. Unfortunately, I underestimated the time and was not able to get them in time, so took out my backup design and came out with this. This cake was a gift from the guy side to the girl. Pretty couple aren't they :-)

And another one, which the girl ordered for me *LOL* Where's the surprise huh ..

Personally, I like the lilies better :-) On top of the cakes, he also requested for a cuppy set .. well this was easy to make. I used my usually American Chocolate Cake for the cuppies and vanilla frosting .. the flowers again were store bought.

Overall, I enjoyed making them although the rolling and covering the cake with fondant was full of stress .. I was soo scared that the fondant will tear during the transfer, but fortunately that didn't happen. I am now more confident handling it and maybe who knows, I will be a bit more adventurous with it.

Happy viewing !


  1. Bravo to you! Its always the first time that is so scary .. I guess from now on, I can be assured of more changgih cakes deco from you ... good work!

  2. beautiful cakes.. (",)

  3. thank you family first .. hahaha.. more canggih? well let see if I can find time for such projects.. but you sure will find something ;-)

    thanks nath :-)


  4. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Hi, I love the deco of the cupcakes. By the way where do u buy the small flowers for the cupcakes?

  5. Thank you Miss S, I got the flowers from Phoon Huat.

