Thursday, July 30, 2009

Beef Stroganoff

I love beef but seldom cook them because my kids don't fancy them that much. But I could not resist buying some after seeing some nicely sliced stir-fry beef at the supermarket. After much thought, I decided to try making stroganoff and I was soo happy that the girls love it but they didn't eat the beef of course *LOL* There are loads and loads of stroganoff recipes in the internet but this particular one caught my eye because it has tomato juice added. I love tomatoes as it adds flavours to some dishes especially certain creamy ones. In this picture you see specks of white - those are sourcream which I forgot to stir before I threw them into the gravy :-P But looks can be deceiving, this was delicious.

I got the recipe from here and I omitted the sherry.

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