Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Beef + Sugar Beans in Sweet & Sour Sauce

I always associate sweet and sour sauce to be red. However this one is on a brown side due to the beef but I am still ok with it *LOL* My sister made something similar during our holiday trip to Phuket and I just have to make it at home to have it with hot steamed rice. I am red meat person and this is just nice for us. It is very easy to make, you can use your own sauce or just use the ready made ones.


250-300g sliced beef, coat with a bit of cornflour (best to use for stir frying)
1 large clove garlic chopped
1 packet sweet sour sauce (you can use whatever brand that you like)
1 pack of sugar beans (sorry I can't remember the weight)
enough water to dilute the sauce
2Tbsp oil
salt & pepper to taste (optional)


1. Heat oil in wok and brown the beef slices, once it turned brown, push them aside and add the chopped garlic and stir for a minute
2. Add a bit of water followed by the sauce stir the meat in and add bit more water if you want more gravy
3. Let it simmer for a few minutes and then add the sugar beans and let it simmer for another few minutes till it is soft enough for you and the meat is tender
4. Serve it hot with steamed rice

Enjoy !

1 comment:

  1. Very nice dish. It looks tasty. Thanks for sharing your recipe.
