Monday, February 13, 2012

Buttery and flaky croissants

This is definitely not quick and easy.  It's not that difficult but definitely not quick :-P  I will post the recipe in my other blog.

This is my second attempt at making these lovelies.  It was quite a daunting experience with the humidity and heat here, I had to work real fast in order to keep the butter from melting.  Nevertheless, they came out beautiful, buttery and flaky.  My family loves them, the thing is it took me hours to prepare this but took less than an hour to finish 'gobbling' them *LOL*  but it was great fun making them.  I used 100% butter and love the flavour unlike the ones I get from the supermarket which are just too waxy.  Actually I find them disgusting :-P.  I am however tempted to try with the butter meant for laminating dough.  I have seen it sold at the baking supply shop and it comes in a slab of 1kg.  I wonder if it gives the same flavour as using butter... hmm

A tray of them before the 1.5hrs rise


  1. Home made croissant are great! I have made a couple of times now, and they taste great. I will make a post on the croissants on my blog later!

  2. if you happen to make it again.. pls inform me.. i would like to buy some homemake croissant.. pleaseeee...

  3. will let you know :)

  4. I made homemade croissant couple times now. It is very time consuming but it was all worth it. And made pain au chocolat and pain au was delightful :) I love homemade
