Saturday, July 30, 2005

Chempedak Fritters

I do not know the english name for chempedak, but it looks a little bit like jackfruit but smaller and sweeter. It has a very strong smell almost as stinking as durian. To me it smells a little like gasoline if it is not opened. But once you open up the fruit, it doesn't smell as bad.

My mom gave me one medium size chempedak yesterday and I ended up making fritters out of it this morning.

The fruit

The final product :-D

Crispy on the outside but soft and sweet inside

3/4 cup rice flour
2 tbsp self raising flour
1/2 tsp limewater (you can omit this)
pinch of salt
1 to 1 1/2 cup water
Enough oil for deep frying

1. Mix flours and salt
2. Pour water into the dry ingredients slowly and stir till batter is somewhat like pancake batter
3. Add limewater and stir mixture till well-blended
4. Heat oil in a wok
5. Coat chempedak with batter and deep fry till golden brown
6. Serve hot with tea


  1. I love this one. Each time I visit Malaysia. I will look out for such stalls. Yum yum.

  2. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Yummy! Chempedek is my favorite. Thanks for sharing this recipe :)


  3. Anonymous12:20 AM

    I went to malaysia 2 weeks ago and at the same time, its musim buah. But didnt even remember to get even 1 of buah cempedak at all! till i saw ur cempedak goreng...

  4. Your chempedak looks delicious.. :)

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  6. Anonymous11:28 PM

    I was looking for the English name for cempedak over a month ago, and found out that it's called breadfruit. Bread? How odd.

  7. Chempedak is the same in English, just with an 'h'. Breadfruit is another, related fruit. I'm going to make this tonight.
