Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Pasta Al-Tonno (Tuna)

It has been a while since I last updated this blog. Finally after regaining back my old self, I made this extremely simple dish for dinner. My hubby has been craving for pasta dish which I haven't been doing lately especially before my work trip :D So I decided to make this one especially for him since I had this when I was in Vietnam. Ok, funny isn't that I had a western dish at Vietnam? Ah well, my colleagues and I usually frequent this eating place that serves western and local dishes. Generally, the place is catered for foreigners, so we usually have our lunch and dinner there.


You can use whatever pasta you like. I used penne because that was what I have in my pantry. I would prefer to have it with spaghetti though.

For this version I cheated using pasta sauce I bought from the supermarket, my all time favourite brand Leggo's. You can make your own sauce too because it is a very simple dish, simpler than bolognaise to me at least. You can also use salmon if you like too or better still, add tuna and salmon :)

200-300gm pasta, boil till al-dente
1 jar Leggo's napolitana sauce (or other sauces that you like)
1 can tuna flakes in oil
handful of basil, chopped
oregano, basil herbs if you like

1. Boil pasta till al-dente, drain the water and put it aside
2. Heat pasta sauce till bubbly and add tuna flakes, stir well and add herbs if you want more flavour
3. Add pasta into the heated sauce and toss till well coated
4. Sprinkle chopped basil and serve immediately

If you want to make sauce from scratch, the ingredients are as follows:

1 clove garlic, chopped
1 medium onion, chopped
1 can tomato sauce (in a can, more if you like)
oregano and basil
salt to taste

Fry chopped garlic and onion till soft and add tomato sauce. Add a little bit of water and add herbs and salt to taste.

That is generally it. You can also add chopped tomatoes (preferably from the can) to the sauce for more flavour.


  1. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Looks light & yummy, not too rich...nice! I also cooked pasta for last night's dinner, what a coincidence :)

  2. Tried this last week with spaghetti. Very nice.

  3. Hi Puspha, glad you like it :)
