Friday, September 15, 2006

Raisin & Dried Mango Rice

This dish is inspired by a recipe in last month's Women's Weekly magazine. The original recipe is supposed to be cooking the rice with the ingredients, but I change d it to a fried rice version since I have some leftover rice to get rid of.

I used 7D dried mango slices because that is the best for me at least. The original uses golden raisins but I just replaced it with what I have.


2-3 cups cooked rice
2 tbsp olive oil/butter/ghee
1 medium onion, sliced
1 large clove garlic, chopped
1 chicken stock bouillion
1/2 tsp ground clove
1/2 tps ground cinnamon
drice mango slices, chopped into small pieces
1/3 cup raisin
chopped coriander
salt & pepper
salmon slices or other meat slices
A bit of water

1. Heat wok and add oil/butter/ghee
2. Fry onions till translucent and add chopped garlic, ground clove and ground cinnamon, fry till fragrant
3. Add salmon slices or other meat slices and stir till cooked
4. Pour a little bit of water to the onion, garlic & fish mixture
5. Sprinkle a bit of pepper and add chicken stock and stir till well combined
6. Add cooked rice, stir well
7. Once the rice is coated with the spices, add raisins and dried mango
8. Stir raisins and mango till well distributed and let the rice cook further
9. Throw in chopped coriander, stir and serve


  1. Anonymous2:06 PM

    hi zu, this looks absolutely perfect :) i love rice with fruit bits and this just came in handy. thx for sharing the recipe!

  2. you are welcome evan :)

    beesidhu, it's dried mango usually eaten as snack.

  3. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Hi Zu! Your photos are incredible. Every one of them really entices me and makes me want to gobble up my monitor! unfortunately, i don't think an LCD monitor would taste nearly as good as the raisin & mango rice. great site!

  4. Wah seh...didn't visit your blog for so long (been real busy) and so many delicious food. Yummylicious!!! Keep up the good work!!!

  5. Thanks amanda, jadepearl :)

  6. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Hi Zu, I'm new to your blog n love it so much. By the way if I use cook rice will it be very wet and soggy type? M I able to use uncook rice but how to do? Thanks

    beancurd :)

  7. hi beancurd,

    Welcome to my humble blog :)

    If using cooked rice, it will not be soggy. It will be like any other fried rice.

    To use uncooked rice, you will need to make slight modification. You will have to fry the spices till fragrant then add the washed rice and make sure the rice is coated with oil. Omit the fish/meat slices and replace the stock cube with equal or slight more chicken stock (liquid). For eg. if using 2 cups rice, you will need to use about 2 to 2.5 cups stock. You may want to up the quantity of the spices alittle too.


  8. Zu, I tried this yesterday. Wanted to say a BIG thank you coz' this dish was DELICIOUS. Definitely a keeper!!!

  9. lama tak mai and still so many tantalizing dishes....


  10. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Thanks Zu I will try out ur dishes n let u know again.

  11. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Just came across your blog while looking for a simple green bean dessert recipe. I looooove it! So many yummy SE Asian dishes, great food photos and easy instructions. Thank you!

  12. Anonymous4:20 PM

    That's a really enticing rice! Is it alright if we use fresh mangoes?

  13. Selamat Hari Raya - ZU.

    Maaf Zahir dan Batin ya ! batin pun kira jugak ke ? apa lar yg day gue buat - lolz

  14. Selamat Hari Raya Zu... Maaf Zahir Batin lau ada tersilap kata di cyber nie..

  15. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri to you & family!!

    Do you've the recipe of Odeh Odeh? If yes can u pls post. tq


  16. Hi zu are you doing okay..long time no update....hope everytying is fine

  17. Nice. Next time when I have remaining dried fruits, I can think of cooking this dish.

  18. i really appreciate this recipe.. cooked it few times, whole fmly love it.. thanks Zu..

  19. you are welcome :)
