Monday, January 22, 2007


I would like to apologize from the bottom of my heart for not updating my blog for a very long time. With my new addition to the family is growing big, I managed to find some time to resume my baking and cooking.

So over the weekend, made this simple and less spicy version of a soto called Sroto. Don't ask me where it came from or why it's called Sroto because I don't have the answer for you .. heh But I do believe it could be an Indonesian dish but I have not idea where.

The recipe is taken off the local malay paper Berita Harian dated 22nd Jan by a well know chef/cooking instructor Aini Salim

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Ingredients A
500 g beef (cut into 4)
3 bay leave
2 cm galangal/blue ginger (bruised)
1 tsp salt
4000 ml water

Ground Ingredients
8 cloves garlic
8 candlenut
1 tsp white pepper
2 slices fresh tumeric
6 tbsp oil for frying

300g beansprouts
100g vermicilli (soaked in hot water and drained)
2 potatoes (sliced and then fried)
3 hardboiled eggs (sliced) - I also added quail eggs
1 cup toasted peanuts
fried shallots, spring onion and chinese celery for garnishing
lontong or ketupat

1. Boil A till the meat is tender
2. Take the meat out and slice them thinly and strain the stock, put aside
3. Fry the ground ingredients till fragrant and pour it into the stock together with the beef slices
4. Simmer the soup till it boils, turn off fire
5. To serve, prepare a bowl with ketupat/longtong, vermicilli, beansprouts, beef slices, fried potatoes. Pour soup and garnish with fried shallots, chopped spring onions, chinese parsley and toasted peanuts. Top it with enough sambal.

Sambal Ingredients
30 chilli paid (steam and then pound)
40 g toasted peanut (finely ground)
6 tbsp kicap manis
2 tbsp lime juice
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt (optional)

1. Mixed all the ingredients till well blended

Note: You can replace it with chicken, but you only need half chicken and reduce water to 3500ml.


  1. Anonymous6:47 AM

    yes, sroto is a typical indonesian dish. i think it's called sroto in certain part of Java island. did you enjoy it?

  2. I did not know about this dish!
