Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Chocolate Chip Muffin

This recipe is adapted from Simply Delicious segment at AFC (Asia Food Channel) and I maanged to memorise the ingredients and wrote it down in my notebook. Well, the original recipe uses flour+baking powder, but I replaced it with self-raising flour simply because to lazy *LOL*. It is very easy to do muffin and tastes very rich due to the butter. It doesn't require any machine, just your hands and fork & spoon and of course not forgetting the weighing machine too .. hehe

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Muffins batter is supposed to be lumpy and not smooth. Just ensure that the dry ingredients are moist then stop mixing. Further mixing will give a hard muffin and you don't want that.

125g chilled butter, cut into cubes
275g SR flour
115g brown sugar
115g choc chips or a block of dark chocolate and chop them into small pieces
1/2 tsp salt
100ml milk
1 egg
1 tsp vanilla essence

1. Sift flour and salt together
2. Add egg and vanilla essence into the milk and mix them well, put aside
3. Mix butter into flour mixture, using your fingers, rub the butter into the flour till it resembles crumbs
4. Make a hole in the dry ingredients and pour the milk mixture (2) slowly and using a fork, mix it gently till all the dry ingredients are moist. The batter should be lumpy and not smooth.
5. Scoop into muffin pan or cups and bake in a preheated oven at 175C for 20mins or so till cooked.


  1. Anonymous1:39 AM


    how much flour and baking powder do i need if i don't wanna use self-raising flour? Thks!! :)

  2. Hi anonymous,

    You can replace the SR flour with 275g flour + 1/2 tsp baking powder.


  3. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Dear Zu,
    Dry ingredients = sugar + ChocChips ? I'm not too sure.
    And when to mix the dry ingredients to the butter+flour mixture.
    Thanks Dear!

  4. Mix the sugar and chips after you have mix the butter+flour.


  5. Anonymous4:39 AM

    wow, zu.. where did u get the paper cups for the muffins?? They r gorgeous! keep up the good work! Hope u update more often!! =)

  6. Anonymous5:45 PM

    I tried your recipe and there don't seem to be enough liquid. Should it be 200ml of milk or 2 eggs?

  7. hi anonymous,

    the milk and eggs are as per the recipe. However, if you find the batter is too dry, try adding 1 tbsp of milk at a time till you get the consistency you want. Sometimes I find that certain flours or the weather may affect the outcome.


  8. Anonymous5:09 AM

    My mom wont let me make this! im going crazy OMG

  9. Anonymous4:55 PM

    any milk brand to recommend? preferably low fat ones. thks alot!

  10. Hi anonymous

    You can use any milk that you like. I always stock meiji low-fat milk coz my kids love it. But it is all up to you, uht milk is also fine.


  11. Hi Zu,
    How many muffins did you bake based on the above cup size? Thank you.

  12. hi fatwitch,

    I get about 8-12 muffins.
