Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Spicy Baked Beans

This is an Indian influenced dish which I was inspired by one of Saturday's Kitchen guest chef. Most of the time, I will have my baked beans just as it is or add scrambled eggs, chopped onions to it and have it with bread. This version came out pretty well and it tastes great with chapati. In fact, you can add some potatoes and curry leaves and use it as a thosai filling - just a thought *wink*

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As usual, this recipe is 'agaration', you can add more or less of the items to suit your tastebuds 8-D

3 small tin Heinz baked beans or any brand that you like
2 shallots, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
1 heapful tsp garam masala powder
1/2 tsp tumeric powder
1 stalk coriander leaves, chopped
mixed vege
1 Tbsp oil

1. Heat oil in frying pan and stir fry chopped shallots and garlic till fragrant
2. Add baked beans, stir till well mixed
3. Add garam masala and tumeric powder and mix them well
4. Once bubbly, add the mixed vege lastly followed by the chopped coriander, stir well and simmer for about 2min and serve it hot with chapati or thosai


  1. oooh! ingenius! using canned baked beans, heh. time saver!=) i'll let you know how they go with me!


  2. Hi victoria, do give it a try ;-)


  3. Hm.. really worth trying, but i'm not good at baking :)
    Anyway would you be kind to visit my blog of Original Indonesian Recipes at


    It's just a new blog on the neighborhood, I really need some feedbacks and comments, and if you find my blog is not that bad at all, please consider to link me :) thx...

  4. i'm sorry sis..but may i ask where do you lived? singapore or malaysia? me admired your style of cook..

  5. hi juandy, sure will link you up :-)

  6. Hi beingme,

    I am living in Singapore. Thank you very much for the compliments :-)

  7. hi,
    looks delicious.Nice blog with beautiful pics.
