Friday, July 20, 2007

Blueberry Sourcream Pound Cake

The last time I made a pound cake was a couple of months back. It was the marble sourcream pound cake. I got a small tub of sour cream and fresh blueberries in the fridge. I was searching for a nice recipe that uses both and finally decided to bake this.

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I used the basic sourcream pound cake recipe but I increase the butter a little bit. It came out perfect, moist and rich - just the way I like it.

250g butter, softened
3 cups cake flour (you can substitute with all purpose flour)
2 1/4 - 2 1/2 cups sugar
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup sourcream
1 cup fresh blueberries, add 1 tsp flour
6 large eggs

1. Sift flour, baking powder and salt and put aside
2. Cream butter and sugar till light
3. Add sour cream and vanilla essence into the butter/sugar mixture and mix till well blended
4. Add flour and alternate with eggs with last being flour, mix on low speed till well mixed
5. Using the spoon or spatula, add blueberries into the cake batter
6. Bake in a greased and lined 10" baking pan in a preheated oven of 180C for 1hr 20mins or till skewer comes out clean


  1. Anonymous7:42 PM

    Yr cake looks very beautiful. Is it coz of the sourcream that it is such a lovely pale shade..contrast with the so pretty.....

  2. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Oh, hv to thank you very much for yr light & fluffy banana cake recipe. I think it is the best I hv tried so far...very fluffy, light, soft & moist as promised : )

  3. Thank you vb :-) Suprisingly, combination is nice. I didn't expect it to be this good.

    You are very welcome vb, glad that you like it.

  4. hi there,
    i would love to try making this cake. may i know if the one cup measurement is the std 250g or 150ml ?

    (p.s. this is fellow new IK member seeking assistance. =D)

  5. Hi yan,

    The cup that I am using is 240ml.


  6. roger that Zu. thank you. will attempt it once i find time to 'grab' nice blueberries fm cold storage. soon, i hope. =D
