Thursday, July 19, 2007

Vanilla Frosting and Cuppies

It has been along time since I last update this blog. I apologize as I have been pretty busy with my work and home :-) For those requesting for the vanilla frosting recipe, here it is. This is taken from marthastewart website and I have been using it for most of my cupcake frosting. Here, I use half butter and half shortening so that the frosting will not melt easily in our humid weather. However, you can replace the shortening with butter if you like.

I used the American cake for the cuppies :-)

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Vanilla Frosting
Makes 1 cup

25 gm unsalted butter, room temperature
25 gm butter flavoured shortening
2 cups icing sugar
2 tbsp milk
1 tsp vanilla extract
pinch of salt

1. In a small bowl, beat together butter, sugar, milk, vanilla, and salt until light and fluffy. Use immediately, or cover with cling wrap, and refrigerate up to 3 days.

Before using, bring to room temperature.


  1. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Hey there! Tks for yr banana recipe that I chanced upon and made is good! If u would like to see photos, u can get in touch with me at As I am very new to baking, I realised that the recipe didn't say when yo add in the salt so I just anyhow throw it in while creaming!!! Is this correct?? Sorry for asking such a stupid question.

  2. hi vb, you can mix the salt into the flour when you are sifting it :-) Sorry that missed that step. Thanks for highlighting it.


  3. Anonymous7:00 PM

    Your cake sure looks scrumptious Zu...

  4. thank you mamafami :-)

  5. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Dear Zu,
    Q1- If you use the American Cake recipe for the muffins/cuppies, what is the temp for the muffins/cuppies? Is it still the same 180degrees for 10-15m ?
    Q2- How many muffins can you make out of the American Cake Recipes for average size muffins/cuppies.
    Q3-Where did u get the round flat sugar that u place above the frosting.

  6. Hi,

    Can i ask u a question?

    Will the forsting melt if we leave in room temperature ?? as from the ingredients, i think it might melt or become soften?

  7. hi skaur,

    sorry for the very late reply. I usually bake them around 15 mins. Different oven works differently, you may want to check after 10mins.

    for average size cuppies, you maybe can get around 10 or probably less depending on how much to fill the cups.

    The topping is actually sweets which I got from a shop at novena square.


  8. hi holding on, i used shortening for the frosting, so far it doesn't melt as compared to if i were to use 100% butter :-)


  9. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Dear Zu, thanks for replying.

  10. Anonymous10:42 PM

    I love your cakes och frosting. The thing is, I'm not an American, so I have some trouble with the "baking-terms" What is gm? Thank you!

  11. hi samsara,

    gm here is grams in short form :-)


  12. Anonymous12:42 PM

    hi zu,
    tried the frosting last weekend. good but a bit too sweet for me, can reduce the sugar or not?

  13. hi delia,

    You can reduce it slight but not too much. If too much, the frosting will not hold nicely. You can try reducing it by 1/4 cup or less.


  14. Anonymous2:56 AM

    Hi Zu. Im ibuAshraf, a singaporean malay.
    1.What type of shortening can i should to make the frosting?
    2. Any vegetable shortening or any particular brand?
    3. What colouring can I use to make the colour bold? I used Redman brand but only faint colourings.
    can email me at Cos sometimes I cant receive replies.
