Monday, January 28, 2008

Savoury Multigrain Porridge

I was in a mood to make a savoury porridge but chose to use mixed grain instead of the regular rice. It adds more fibre and flavour and I am happy to say that it was well received.

I used this mixed grain that I got from the supermarket. It contains oats, barley and different types of rices.

For this recipe, I didn't have any specific measurement. I just sort of estimate the amount of ingredients I needed. Use your own judgement to add how much of each ingredients you need.

1 pack mixed grain
handful of dried scallops and dried shrimp, washed
a knob of ginger
7 clove garlic
1 small can braised peanut
Enough chicken stock
Some milk
salt & pepper to taste

Spring onion, chopped
Fried shallots
Omelette strips

1. Wash mixed grain and pour into a pot with enough water
2. Blend garlic and ginger into paste and pour them into the pot together with the dried scallops and shrimp
3. Let the mixed grain boil, stir to prevent sticking or burning
4. Add chicken stock and water to get the consistency that you like
5. Once the grains are cooked, add braised peanut and milk, stir and let it simmer for another 10-15mins
6. Turn off and serve hot with garnishes

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:53 AM

    i made mum buy those the multigrain rice to try out too! ma cooked it in water with sweet potatoes and some salt.. tasted sourish but not those kind of spoilt kind of sour.. i dont know how to describle it but the grains made me feel really healthy and were nice to bite.:p
