Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pineapple Tarts


Pineapple tart is a must in almost every household during festive seasons. For us, we like melt-in-your-mouth pastry and we have been using this recipe for a very very long time :-) The original recipe uses icing sugar, but we omit that as we don't like overly sweet tarts. For the pineapple paste, you can either make it yourself or buy it. When I am too busy or lazy, I usually buy the paste from baking supply store and modify it according to my liking. Cuts short the time.

I would recommend those who wants to do it to stick to 1 recipe. I have tried halving it and honestly, it didn't come out as good. I usually make kuih makmur with the same dough. So 1 recipe gives me 2 kinds of cookie. Hope you enjoy doing it as much as I have.

500g butter, softened
700g plain flour
100g milk powder
100g icing sugar (I omit this but you can add if you want)
1/2 tsp salt
1 egg
2 yolks
1 tsp vanilla essence (optional)
a few drops of yellow colouring (optional)

1. Cream butter, icing sugar if using and eggs till creamy and light
2. Add vanilla essence and yellow colouring (if using) and mix well
3. Add flour, salt and milk powder into butter mixture, using your hand mix it till all the ingredients are well incorporated
4. Shape dough into a big ball, wrap and let it rest for 15min or more in the refrigerator
5. Shape the dough to your liking and top or fill with pineapple jam
6. Bake in a preheated oven at 170C for about 10-15mins or till the sides turn golden brown

Important Note
* For melt-in-your mouth effect, it is very important that you do not overmix or overwork the dough. Once the ingredients comes together, stop.

This dough is a little sticky, I usually clip it myself instead of using the mold. If you are using mold, make sure that you flour it a little but not too much to prevent sticking.

This is for evie, I got this recipe from the internet but can't remember the site. When I make my own filling, I don't have exact measurement. It's more of estimation but generally it is similar the one below but I omit the clove and star anise because I don't like the filling with spices :-)

4 sweet fresh pineapples (about 1 kg total weight) or crushed canned pineapple
600 g granulated sugar (you can adjust this according to your level of sweetness)
4 cloves
1 star anise

1. Grate pineapples and squeeze out juice using a muslin cloth or use the strainer to drain the juice, keep aside
2. Chop or blend pineapple meat until fine
3. Combine with sugar, star anise and cloves in a heavy-bottomed pot and cook over low heat until almost dry
4. Stir constantly until mixture is gluey and thick, the consistency of thick jam
5. If too dry, add abit of pineapple juice
6. Cool and store in refrigerator


  1. Anonymous3:12 PM


    Always like to drop by to see your yummy foods but just nvr left any note ... ...

    I happened to have exactly the same recipe for this pineapple tart ... The "original" recipe called for 100g icing sugar.

  2. Hi Anonymous,

    Thanks for leaving a note and also for the infor :-) Saves me from digging through my mom's old recipe collection.


  3. Zu, that looks FANTASTIC.....its hard to find a recipe in which it's melt in the mouth texture can actually be SEEN in the image. kudos to you!!!!!

    I'll definitely try this out, but with the icing sugar after you've edited it! :D


  4. Thanks for the recipe! usually, i'll use ghee... it'll be very soft dough when i used ghee. will give this recipe a try. :)

  5. Anonymous12:45 AM


    This is the best pineapple tart recipe that I have. Got it from a friend's aunt 10 over years ago. I have tried so many recipe and this is the only 1 that ds always ask me to use. I dont use colouring and vanilla for this and use very little sugar. Most important is to use good butter.

  6. Anonymous3:33 AM

    I stumbled across your blog accidently when i was browsing for some CNY cookies recipe. Am glad that you have posted this recipe to share.

    I'm a Sg-an currently residing in US and it is really difficult for us to buy good old pineapple tarts here.

    I don't bake much but i shall try out this recipe for the coming CNY.
    :) Is it possible to share the pineapple paste recipe with us as we can't get pineapple paste here in Dallas.

    Thanks and I shall keep you posted with my products.

    ^_^ Happy Chinese New Year to you.


  7. Anonymous7:25 AM

    i've never dared make pineapple tarts before but after looking at yr pic.. i'm very tempted to make it

  8. Amrita, do give it a try ;-)

    Ida, definitely can replace with ghee but very fattening ah ..hehe actually if you replace some of butter with ghee, it will give a wonderful aroma.

  9. hi anonymous,

    Yes, butter has to be a good one. Vanilla and colouring is optional but with the essence, it gives a lovely aroma.

  10. Hi evie,

    Welcome to my blog. I will put the pineapple paste recipe for you to try :-)

    Happy New Year to you to !


  11. Lilac, do give it a try. It's not very daunting or tedious :-) If can't pinch just do the ball or nastar shape.


  12. Nice! haha.. looks like the blogsphere is full of pineapple tarts these days! CNY mode! LOL

  13. Ah yes daphne, this is a must have. Otherwise, it's just not CNY or even Hari Raya LOL !!

  14. How you do to modify those filling tat buy fr. shop? add water and sugar or butter? sometime is too sweet for my liking..

  15. hi ak,

    I usually either add water or pineapple juice. Sometimes the paste is too sweet, I will add water or pineapple juice little by little till you get the consistency that you want. I sometimes will add vanilla essence and a little bit of butter. The butter makes the shaping of the paste easier. Some pple would add spices when doing the adjustments.


  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Anonymous8:11 PM

    Hi Zu, found you when googling for egg white cake. Got your Steam Rainbow Cake. It's just so beautiful. Thanks for sharing! I have lots of egg white left from baking (CNY...), getting worried about using up the egg white before it go bad. Thanks again!

  18. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Thanks for putting this up in your blog and sharing with us!!!*muacks*

  19. Anonymous7:38 PM

    i never bake anything coz i dont hav oven,instead,i hav microwave oven. i wanna try baking pineapple tarts but don't know how to bake it using microwave oven. do u know how to bake it using microwave oven?

    How many pieces of tarts would u usually get?

  20. hi taitauwai, you are welcome. I saw your cake, lovely ;-)


  21. You are welcome jq.. good stuffs must share ;-)


  22. hi bearlover,

    If your microwave oven has a convectional feature, you can use it to bake using the feature. Otherwise, it is not possible.

    This recipes yields alot of tarts, about 3 bottles of tarts (the regular tall ones).


  23. Thabks for the suggestion of mixing butter wif ghee. will give it a try.... and i'm running out of time! LOL

  24. Anonymous7:04 AM

    Hi Zu,baked pineapple tart using your recipe. My family love it very much. Thanks so much for sharing the great recipe. Between, how you make Kuih Makmur out from this recipe, my email: rjs.1175@pacific.net.sg - With Warmest Regards, Jennifer

  25. Hi jennifer, you are welcome :-) I am happy your tarts came out well. For kuih makmur, the pastry is the same except for the filling. Give me sometime to update it in my blog :-)


  26. Hi i happen looking for some recipe
    and come across your blog and the pineapple tart recipe since that the right recipe i want and i try them out today and it awesome thank for sharing the recipe

  27. Anonymous10:05 AM

    hey zu thanks for this pineapple tart recepie.Tried it yesterday and it turned out to be delicious.I added 50 g of flour though.Thers is this recpie i want but i duuno where to get.I dunno the name of the biscuit.It is usually make and placed in small cups with a layer of chocolate on top..they sell lots of that in geylang too.You mind posting the recipe? Also wish you a very happy Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.

  28. hey Zu i would like to ask what type of milk powder that you are using. Thank for sharing the recipe.

  29. hi anonymous, can you tell me more about the biscuit or do you have any picture? Only then I can determine the cookie.

  30. Hi moo,

    I use regular full cream milk powder. Sometimes I replace it with my daughter's formula milk :-)


  31. Hi Zu, Thanks alot i will try it out.

  32. Hi Zu,

    I did your pineapple tart recipe (pastry) for this year cny and all like it very much. This recipe is definitely worth keeping. I use the balance pastry for kuih makmur.Thanks for sharing the wonderful recipe.


  33. You are welcome Jennifer :-)

  34. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Can I use creamer in place of milk powder? MH

  35. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Oh, one more thing. How long can the dough be kept in the fridge? I'm planning to make 1 recipe but use 1/2 portion for pineapple tarts and 1/2 portion for kuih makmur. MH

  36. hi anonymous,

    You can but it will be a bit lack on the milky flavour. For me if i am not using the dough within a week, I will freeze it. Otherwise 1 week is still ok to be kept in the fridge.


  37. Anonymous2:12 PM


    Chance upon your pineapple tarts recipe.

    I see your recipe do not brush the tarts with egg yolk. Will the tarts get mouldy if kept for one week?

    Thanks to advise.


  38. hi anonymous,

    The tarts will not get mouldy. In fact in can last pretty well as long as you dont underbake it and keep it only after the tarts are cooled properly.


  39. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Hi Zu,

    I'm trying out your pineapple tarts recipe this weekend. For baking the tarts , do you bake with bottom heat or both top and bottom heat?


  40. Hi Chris, I use top & bottom heat.


  41. Anonymous11:38 AM


    Love your pineapples tarts. Tried it ytd and it taste yummy. But some of my friends commented that there arent enough butter taste, i am using SCS butter. Is there anyway i can improve on that?



  42. Hi ginsengmum,

    If you want it to taste more buttery, replace some or all of the milk powder with flour :-)


  43. Anonymous12:11 PM


    Thanks for your prompt reply. Btw, if i were to replace the milk powder with flour, will i affect the melting taste? Do you know what is the purpose of using milk powder?


  44. Hi ginsengmum,

    The milk powder is generally for the flavour. To get the melt in your mouth texture, just make sure you don't overmix the dough.


  45. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Hi Zu,

    Thanks! Ok, will give it a try. Oh, btw, does the pineapple have to be very dry in order that it won't turn mouldy? Or time u specify will be sufficent?

  46. Not too dry as it will make it very hard. General rule is that once you see the sides brown, you can take the tarts out. If you touch the pineapple filling, it should be a little firm. Make sure you cool the tarts before storing them as this will also minimise mould from forming.


  47. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Hi Zu,

    May i know if the baking time is the same should i make it into a ball shape? Thanks!

  48. Yes, about the same time. Take it out once you see them turned golden brown :-)

  49. Anonymous5:01 AM

    i'm craving for some pineapple tart 'cos i can't find them here in Massachusetts. will definitely be making some using your recipes! may i know how long on average it takes to cook the pineapple jam (i'm going to use canned crushed pineapples)? and also, can i substitute milk powder with coffee powder creamer? thanks for being so generous with your recipes and advice! - cookingmonster (KC)

  50. Hi cookingmonster,

    Usually the filling will take about 45-1hr or more. I will let it cook till it turns brown and it is best done on low fire. You can use canned crushed pineapples but make sure you drain it before you cook. As for the milk powder, you can omit it and replace it with flour. Tastes as good too :-)

    Happy trying !

  51. Anonymous9:34 AM

    thanks zu! i've already made the pineapple jam...took me more than an hour actually...maybe 'cos i didn't drain the pineapple properly. ok, will omit the milk powder then. really appreciate your advice! - cookingmonster

  52. I like this tart either. In Indonesia, we call it nastar. I always made it for Idul Fitri. But we put the pineapple jam inside the tart.

  53. Hi poss to chk recipe using salted/unsalted butter?

  54. Hi Andrea, we do make nastar but for me personally I am too lazy *lol*

    nasha, I normally use salted butter. If you use unsalted, add abit of salt.


  55. Hey Zu, tks for replyin! I actually tried the recipe wz unsalted butter b4 i receive your reply and it turns out great! Its the kind of texture n taste that im lookin for! Tks 4 your unselfishness in sharin!

  56. You are welcome nasha. Glad it worked out great for you :)


  57. Hi Zu,

    Thanks for the recipe. I added abit of ghee and it turned out super soft n buttery. I have seen some bloggers adding corn starch can I know what makes the difference. Some even add condensed milk. I share the same taste bud as you since I prefer my dough to be non sweet therefore I refrain from adding condensed milk :)
