Friday, February 01, 2008

Homemade Chicken Sausages

I finally made my own sausages!!!! Yay!! I have been wanting to make them for quite sometime but had a hard time looking for halal casings. After checking locally and the internet, I finally got it! Honestly, this is a pretty expensive sausages because I had to order the casings from Europe. But it's all worth it though. My family can enjoy their sausages free from preservatives and God knows what else they dump into it.

Here is the picture of the sausages I made


I didn't have the sausage stuffer so at first I tried using the funnel but give up halfway. It's too time consuming! I bought myself a cheap piping decoration set (will update photo later) as a backup and true enough, it was easier using that! After the stuffing, I left the sausages in the fridge overnight.

My stuffed raw sausages


After which, I steamed them for about 10-15mins.

The cooked sausages (the meat turns white)


Then they are ready to be pan-fried either with butter or oil (I used olive oil).

Here is my simple trial chicken sausage recipe.

Note: For those who do not have the casing, you can use a plastic wrapper and shape the sausage mixure into a sausage. Tie the ends with kitchen string, leave it overnight in the fridge and then boil it till the meat cooks through and remove the plastic wrap before grilling/pan frying it. I haven't tried it personally but this is what I have read in some sausage recipes.

300-400g chicken fillet
1 medium onion
2 clove garlic
1 tsp garam masala
salt & pepper to taste
Enough sausage casings

1. Blend all the above ingredients will paste like
2. Stuff the casings with carefully not to overstuffed them
3. Twists the filled casing into portions
4. Rest sausages in the fridge overnight
5. Steam the sausages
6. Once cool, you can freeze it or pan fried/grill and enjoy !


  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Salam zu, kak t really admire u lah dear..Dek the sausage really looks yummy. salam kak siti.

  2. Anonymous8:26 PM

    hi Zu

    wow, love your sausages! it crossed my mind to try making them myself but sort of gave up the idea since i didnt know where to find the casing. i didnt know can use plastic to steam them. wonder if there's any chemical reaction or not? i remember when i was young, i used to make my own ice sticks. those plastic are a little too fat though...

  3. Oh wow! That looks delish.
    My girls and I (thankfully) dont like to eat sausages or hotdogs. So, it never occured to me to buy them (they look disgusting at the store!!).
    Now, I know I can make my own...if out of the blue, my girls decided they want sausages!!

  4. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Kak Zu, where did you order the casing? I love to eat sausages.. would like to make them. Thanks.

  5. Salam to you too kak T. Thanks for very much :-)


  6. xan, use plastic wrap or plastic that can stand high heat and save for cooking. I believe you should be able to find it.


  7. Hi Sri! thanks :-) You are right, sometimes the sausages in the supermart looks very unappetizing LOL

  8. Hi taitauwai, you can get it at


  9. Anonymous11:15 AM

    Looks good :)

  10. Those sausages look great! Wonderful!



  11. Those sausages look good! I've been steering away from sausage and all the processing that normally goes with it. These look like a great solution.

  12. Anonymous8:42 AM

    Hi Zu,

    Your sausage looks great, I love it! BTW what is garam masala and where can I get it from?


  13. wow Zu, your sausage really looks so yummilicious! looks so juicy yeah!

  14. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Zu, your sausage looks delishhhhh.. drooling already!

  15. zu,

    i will try this on my next day off, can't eat store bought hotdog, maybe i'll put a little color since
    i have some, i have made sausages before but i'll try your recipe,this is healthier and looks yummy,

  16. Anonymous3:12 AM

    Hi Zu. How did you order the casings? They don't seem to ship it to Singapore? Pls advice.

  17. Hi Lina,

    I emailed to them to ask them if they can ship it to SGP. Then I need to fax to them my cc number and details before they process my orders.


  18. Hi This is Evy, hop over from baking mum's blog. Your sausages looks really nice. Thanks for sharing.
