I was searching for a recipe that uses egg white and this interesting recipe caught my attention. It was from an Indonesian website but forgetful me can't remember the url :-( With some egg whites that need to be clear and soon to be expiring baking chocolate, I got my butt off and made this for tea over the weekend. I like the result as it is pretty light although it tends to be slightly crumbly. I up the egg white as the original uses 5 egg whites.

The texture of the brownie
250gm dark/semi-sweet cooking chocolate
100gm oil (original uses melted butter)
2 tsp vanilla essence
100gm cake flour
220gm egg white (original uses 5 egg whites)
150gm sugar
80gm almond slivers, toasted
a handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips/nuggets
1. Double boil or microwave oil and chocolate till the chocolate melted and let it cool
2. Sift flour into chocolate mixture and stir gently till well combined and add vanilla essence, put aside
3. Beat egg white till bubbly and slowly add sugar bit by bit and whip till stiff peaks
4. Take 1/3 of the egg white and mix it gently with the chocolate mixture
5. Stir in mixture into the balance 2/3 egg white and gently mix till well combined
6. Add half of the almond and stir
7. Pour mixture into a 8x8 pan that has been lined and greased
8. Top batter with remaining almond and chocolate nuggets and bake in a 180C preheated oven for 35-50mins (depending on your oven) or till brownie is cooked (do not overbake as it will get too dry and crumbly)
9. Once baked, leave brownie in the pan for 5-10mins before removing and cooling it on the rack
Enjoy !!
looks good. the testure is almost like chiffon cake to me. yum and healthy(?) hehe
Hi Ida,
Yes, almost like but slightly denser as it's full of choc :-)
Happy Mother's Day
Hello zu,
can relinked me? i move to http://www.ladyironchef.com
Hi Zu
It looks great...I have to try it. I have visited your site before to check out recipes and have made a few. I just started blogging and have asite. Please visit me at myhouseholdcapers.blogspot.com when you can. :)VG
hi Zu! Your pix looks really nice with the way you added the recipe name and your signature on them.
could you tell me how you do that?
Julie :)
Hi there Zu, you have been tagged. Please check it out my blog. :)
I would like to know the time needed to beat egg white to soft peak and at what speed by electric mixer.
Rgs, Kium
Hi VG,
Thanks for visiting and trying the recipes :-) I will visit you and link you up to ;-)
Hi Julie,
I used a software similar to Photoshop to add the text to the photos. You may want to try picasa?
Hi Kium,
Depending on the speed of your mixer, maybe between 5-10mins?
did the mango mouse tonite with
mango chiffon cake. but i did some
alteration....the icing is heavenly
did not taste the cake yet, we will have the taste test at work in the morning.my best icing so far
but amateurish..don't have the flair like yours. wil try this egg white brownie hopefully friday.
the cake fluff a little after i took it out of the oven,any reason?
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